Wednesday, April 1, 2009

first Dactyl / Gunna Vahm "Fuck'em Both" review...

Dactyl / Gunna Vahm - Apparently,Baltimore doesn't know how to suck. DACTYL is pulling off a rad late-'80s/early-'90s post punk thing that is frighteningly close to THE JESUS LIZARD and KILLDOZER. GUNNA VAHM is holding down the post punk fort and offers a jumpier beat and shriller guitars which, I can firmly stand behind. Unfortunately, neither band is active right now, due to shitty personal circumstances. I'm not sure how much more descriptive I can get about the music, all I know is that I love it, and hope that these bands get through their shit and keep playing.(Helen)

this is from the newest issue of Maximum Rock & Roll, im stoked on the review, minus the part about the "shitty personal circumstances".Dactyl ended completely amicable, we are all still friends and have not ruled out playing again in the future.We just decided to focus on other shit.

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